
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Thursday, June 05, 2008

While travelling in the eastern United States and in particular, Virginia - Washington, DC area, my wife and I along with two friends found ourselves in the midst of a violent storm near the Lincoln Memorial. Actually our friends were inside the Lincoln Memorial while WE were finding shelter under an overhang projection of an information kiosk, this was near the Memorial.
We noticed that the sky was darkening quite rapidly as well as the wind was increasing fiercely.
My first thought was to move quickly to the sheltered side, so we did just that.
Suddenly the rain and wind came with a great violent action and thunderings and lightnings.
It reminded me of the verse in the book of Rev. 4:8 -- and from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne - which are the seven spirits of God. Surely the day we were in Washington there were thunderings and lightnings and voices as people ran for cover of some kind - screaming as they went. We were fortunate that we did not even get wet, in that we had prepared for it by finding shelter - albeit temporary.
Then after boarding the tour bus and heading out that busy city - in the midst of what was a raging storm which produced much devastation- we noticed a strange phenomena - a small break in the clouds allowed the sunshine, in all its strength, to shine on several buildings in a spectacular golden hue, as if especially selected by the master painter. In the midst of the storm raging about us, I remember the scripture we had read that morning before leaving our room - Ps. 34:7 says- the angel of the Lord encamps all around them that fear Him and delivers them. Truly we discovered that word to be true yesterday.
As I reflect back several comparisons arise, the shelter we found was temporary, but the shelter that God has is Eternal - it lasts forever. We were prepared as we moved quickly to take advantage of the shelter - we were the first to arrive there.
The Bible says "the Name of the Lord is a strong Tower, the righteous ran into it and they were safe."
In the break in the clouds to allow the sunshine to light up some buildings, while others all around were in darkness, we were reminded how some peoples lives reflect the glory of God - even in the dark sinful world. That should be the desire of each and every Christian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Randall
As you know we were with you in that storm,we were the ones in the
Lincoln Memorial.
We did not see it coming as you did,the first we know that something was happening was when all went dark and the noise of the wind was so loud you could not hear each other talking.
This is what it will be like on the day that Jesus comes back.
We will not see it coming then either.Just as the storm took everybody by suprise ,so to will Jesus take us all by suprise,so we must be watching.He is coming soon.
In this storm we were at the feet of Lincoln,when Jesus comes I want
to be at His feet.
This is a wake up call,everybody
that was in that storm will be watching the weather closer now,so let it have us watching for Jesus
closer too.

6:52 p.m.  

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