
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The church's foundation//partsix
Last evening the church met for Bible study and we had church...we did not play church, the church met and as we spoke of the Tabernacle that God gave Moses the pattern for, the anointing fell and what an anointing! We were talking about a foundation and in the building of the Tabernacle, the foundation consisted of 100 silver sockets in which the boards were fitted for the structure. These silver sockets represent redemption and we know that they were only a type of the Blood of redemption that Jesus shed for us on the cross ....He purchased our redemption with His own blood...Peter tells us that it was precious blood. The old hymn writer penned these words, "the churches one foundation is Jesus Christ the Lord" and as we zeroed in on that truth last evening, the anointing fell on the 19 of us who were there. You see, Jesus promised that where even if only two or three gathered in His name that He would be there in our midst . That is what church is all about, not a social get together although that may be a part of our gathering...but it is the Presence of almighty Jehovah God in the person of Jesus Christ being in our midst...that is what it is all about. Not what we can not even working for missions, not even witnessing on the street corner or your neighborhood, even though that is of tremendous is the Presence of Christ, first and foremost ...what can wash away my sin?...nothing, absolutely nothing ...but the Blood of Jesus!!! Yes, the Presence of Christ must first be evident in us before we can function in the Body of Christ, that is why worshipping Him comes first...before all else...worship.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi again,
It is readly something when we let the Lord in to our gatherings,we know that He is always there but sometimes we try to have church with out Him.
Last night we were blessed by the bible study and then more so when the anointing fell.The Lord is useing you to help us more than you will ever know.
Thank you for beening open to the Lord,and letting Him use you in this way.

6:36 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ran:I was just thinking what makes the differance in any of our prayer meetings.....I think its weather or not we talk about Jesus or to him and if we hear him when he talks to us.

8:58 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the years that i have been saved, i never realized until the last few months how important worship really is!! Months ago, i began to worship with my hands instead of just singing. I close my eyes, raise my hands and oh....i cant even describe it. Im sure you know what im talking about though. I cant imagine not worshipping in that way now. I feel so much closer to the Lord. I feel like no one else is around. I look forward to raising my hands and praising the Lord for absolutely everything He has done for me!!

10:20 a.m.  

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