
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New beginnings/knowing God's will; getting out of the boat.
Now Peter we say must have been out of the will of God by stepping out of the boat, else he wouldn't have sank and the disciples must have missed the mark also or they wouldn't have been in that storm. Right? Look at what the scripture says, starting at verse 22, Matt. 14: "Immediately after this(Jesus had just fed 5000 men beside women and children with just five loaves and two small fishes )Jesus insisted that His disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while He sent the people home. After sending them home, He went up into the hills to pray. Night fell while He was there alone. Meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from land." Some would say the disciples had missed the will of God because they were in this storm....we must remember that Jesus had commanded them to leave. He was the one who had spoken to them and insisted that they get in the boat and cross to the other side of the lake. He was the one who told PETER TO COME TO HIM WALKING ON THE WATER. SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THEY WERE ALL IN THE WILL OF GOD.
Just because storms come into our lives does not mean we are out of God's will. Sickness comes to all of us at one time or another. Financial strains, job losses, friends ma forsake us, family troubles come...the list can be a long one, but let's remember that God still controls, and He sees everything and that the steps of a good man are ordered of God and though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down. Sure Peter slipped, but Jesus was right there and grabbed him and pulled him back up and they walked together back to the boat. Reading this account from a newer translation gives a little more insight into this story. Verse31 from the New Living Translation
has Jesus asking this question.Why did you doubt me? He personalizes it and says,,,Why did you doubt Me?It makes it so much more convicting to know that when we doubt we are doubting much more than a principle, much more than a precept, even to say much more than a declaration of truth...when we doubt, we are doubting Jesus, we are doubting God. Why do you doubt Me?, He asks. Let's not doubt Him but let's realize that the storms do not necessarily mean that we are out of His will, but we can get out of the boat and start walking on the water, if..we trust Him.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Talk as we like and laying all criticism aside, yes he did it. I'm talking about Peter. Peter did something that nobody else had ever done before, except Jesus, and that was to walk on the water....a huge lake and in a huge storm, no less. But he had to get out of the boat. If you ask me, that was the biggest step in the faith thing...getting out of the boat. And he must have walked a fair distance because when he began to sink, there was nothing to reach for. Instinctively, wouldn't he have grabbed for the gunwale of the boat if he had still been along it's side? He was a little ways from he boat before he began to sink...and the Bible says that he actually walked on that water; look at these words from Matt. 14:29 "He said, "Come". So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus"...You have got to get out of the boat. If we are to change our world; if we are to be effective for God we will have to get out of the boat. There is a certain amount of security by staying in the boat and a little bit of comfort or so we think, but oh what a difference when you step out of your comfort zone, (in this case it was an old Gallilean fishing boat) and begin to walk toward Jesus. He's there you know. He is always near by. Maybe the Lord has urged you to give a large offering and in so doing He has promised you that He will give it back many times over. That wil require a step of faith on your have to get out of the boat. I read about a preacher back in the days of tent revivals who gave away his large tent to another ministry anf God gavs him a larger one back. Remember the story of the disciples after they let Jesus use thier boat they caught the biggest catch ever? Has He called you to ministry? You may very well have to leave the "boat." It might be fearful when you look out so you need to keep focused on Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him. But what an exhilarating experience it must have been for Peter to actually walk on the water. The new paradigm in the business world talks about risk management...this is risk taking, walking on water, or is it? I think the safest place that Peter could have been that night was out of the boat...but only as he kept his eyes on the Lord Jesus. It was when he heard the wind and when he saw the waves he became frightened and began to sink. When you hear bad news or when you see the obstacles, the circumstances, does it shift your focus off of the Lord and begin to see only the problems?

For me perhaps I need to depend more on Him and less on medication...maybe that would be getting out of the boat However remember what Peter said, "Lord, if it is you command me to come to you on the water". Just make certain that it is the Lord who is there before you get out of the boat. He is lways near in case you sink...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This is a continuing theme I am calling new beginnings. There is an old hymn (you may notice I love old hymns) it asks "Does Jesus care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained to deeply for mirth or song, when the burdens press and the cares distress and the way seems weary and long" And then the chorus says "oh! yes He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched by my grief...when the days are weary and the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares."
Have you ever felt like that hymn writer must have felt at some time in his life experiences? I think if the truth was known we all have felt like that at one time or another. And if you know the Savior then you can experience His peace...there is peace in the time of sorrow and trouble when you know the Lord. The other day I was reading rather unsytematically in the Bible, God's Holy Word and I reread again the account in Matthew of the time when the disciples were crossing the Sea of Gallilee in the middle of the night. We pick up the story in chapter 14 beginning with the 22 verse..."Immediately He made the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while He dismissed the crowds.23 And after He had dismissed the crowds, He went up the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone, 24but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them.25 And early in the morning He came walking toward them on the sea.26 But when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, "It is a ghost!"And they cried out in fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, "Take heart, it is I do not be afraid." 28 Peter...Ah, Peter, you gotta love Peter...impulsive, sometimes erratic, a bit of a fanatic, blurting out sometimes senseless statements...but he loved Jesus and he had faith and what a preacher he became...Peter answered Him,Lord , if it is You, (if it is really You) command me to come to You on the water. 29 Jesus said,Come"So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus." Peter did something that day that no one else ever did before or since with the exception of course of the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter knew that it was safer out on the water with Jesus than it was staying in the boat. The boat was like that old hymn states, the one I quoted from at the beginning of this post, when the burdens press and the cares distress and the way seems weary and long...that day was a long day for these battle weary disciples for sure...rowing all night... Now we tend to criticize ol' Pete for his lack of faith and consequently falling, but have we ever taken that kind of a leap of faith? The waves were boisterous, they are out in the middle of nowhere, rowing their guts out so to speak, no doubt taking in a lot of water and Peter takes a step of faith...he gets out of the boat. Psalm 37:23,24 says "Our steps are made firm by the LORD, when He delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the LORD holds us by His hand." Let's pick it up again here in Matthew's gospel at verse 30..."But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened and beginning to sink, he cried out , "LORD, save me. Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him...there is much more but suffice this enough for today . If you read the rest of this story, a true story nonetheless, you will find that when Jesus got back in the boat...the wind ceased. You and I need Jesus in our boat. Cast your cares today on Him. Doin't try to get through the storm by yourself. Step out of the boat and meet what you may get wet...people may criticize you, they might even make fun of you for your faith in a God who cares about your circumstances, but if you ask Him, He will come in to your heart today and you can be saved. Ask Him in today.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Here I am sitting beside a swimming pool in Miami , Florida , thinking of new beginnings and it is 6:30 Eastern time. I have been up for about an hour and one half. Some think I have lost my marbles, I won't say who that someone is. I had some notes written on paper but they are packed away with my Bible in a piece of luggage, where I don't know. So I will try to remember what I was thinking on...oh, yes, it was about having it all together. Some people seem to really have their act all together, something I could never really say. Just when I think I've got it together some thing comes up to remind me just how fallible I am. Some character flaw like stupidity, Yes, me. For instance what's a guy in his right mind doing writing a blog at this hour? Good point.My friend Coffee might understand ...maybe.But my musings takes me to the story Jesus told about a Pharisee and a tax collector. Now if anyone could say he had his act together it was the Pharisee. After all ...he had a lot to be thankful for.He wasn't like other men (that's a blessing in itself), why he paid tithes, he fasted often, and most importantly he was not like this scumbag beside him...the tax collector. I bet he looked pious (hope you know that word). You can read this account in Luke chapter 18 starting at verse nine (look it up) He had it all together, ...Yes! Then there was the publican...the tax collector, the sinner. The scumbag..That’s what the modern Pharisee might call him. He beat his chest in humiliation and his only prayer was the only one God heard that merciful to me a sinner...God, please forgive my sins. He showed us what repentance is. It starts with confession.. I AM A SINNER! Jesus said that he went away justified or just as if he had never sinned. He got his act together, only it was not an act as the Pharisee's was but rather it was an act of faith. If you are reading this blog today and you have sinned, the Bible says that all have sinned, you can confess your sins and Jesus, is faithful and just and He will forgive you and cleanse you and thatHe will come in to your heart and fellowship with you. He will save you and He will keep you.
Make today your new beginnings, it’s not a shame to confess your sins to Jesus…do it today.Cast your care upon Him. I would welcome your comments...RC

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, to live in a PINK world!!

Have I your attention? This morning as I logged on to my computer and went to my favourite browser (I know I’m behind the times here) Yahoo Canada, of course, I was impressed by the pink page - in anticipation of Valentine’s Day tomorrow.

Now, I have never been much of a celebrator of Valentine’s Day but my mind went on a tangent when I saw the pink webpage.

Imagine, if the world really loved as implied by Valentine’s Day. Perhaps we are talking about a different kind of love - as celebrated on Valentines, love between spouses, or friends. But even that love among couples could use some work - according to statistics and simply from what is easily seen in our communities.

What I’m thinking, if we, the peoples of this world, loved each other as the Bible commands us, what a different world we would be living in - what a wonderful place for our children.

In my pink world, I would not have to worry about anyone breaking into my house and harming me while I sleep. I received a very helpful e-mail this week from a friend suggesting a easy way to feel safer in my home. But, in a "pink" world, one where people loved one another, I would always feel safe.

We, as students of the Word, always think of Corinthians as the "love chapter" in the Bible and often quote from it when we are considering the topic of love. But it is my contention that the Book of John is the love book - with so many quotes from our Lord contained in it.

Let’s just review a few of them and then I will leave you with your own thoughts of our world, which today certainly is not pink with love for each other. Even in our Christian community, I cringe sometimes when I a fellow Christian slights me in order to put him/herself in a better position. Must not meddle but get on with pointing out some wonderful scriptures.

Of course, the one that is best known and best describes our Lord’s love for every person in the world, is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Hard to find a scripture which speaks more about love than that one. Books have been written on that scripture. But, suffice to just let it stand with no more comment. Read it again today and let yourself experience His great love again.

Then, of course, Jesus commands us to love as He loves. That, probably, is not possible, but it certainly is something to which we can aspire.

Then you remember the time when just before the Passover Feast, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, John 12: 44,"Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love." I cannot even grasp the extent of His love.

Without going on and on, sharing the hundreds of verses in the Word using the word, "love", let me remind myself, and you, of His commandment to us, John 13:34, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." In September, I did a blog entry referring to the 70's popular song, They’ll know we are Christians by our love" - obviously taking the words from John 13:35, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

And in the next chapter of John, in chapter 14:15, "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

As you prepare (referring to you spouses who have not YET made your purchase the chocolates, or whatever gift you have in mind!!) to celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow, let’s contemplate what a pink world would look like as we all love each other in the way Jesus commanded us.

I know Valentine’s is really referring to love between friends, but humour me, and let’s show love to each other the way Jesus loved. Can’t finish without one more reference, at the death of Lazarus, Jesus’ very good friend, here is a comment made by critics of Jesus, John 11:36, "Then the Jews said, "See how he loved him!"

And then there is the scripture, "preferring one another" - you know the one. And then, and then, there are hundreds . . .

I want to be accused of loving as Jesus loved. Certainly not there yet, so I am writing primarily to myself. Join me in my pink world - where there is a lot more love. Thanks, Yahoo, for reminding me. We hear of the phrase, "not being part of the problem but part of the solution." I want to be one of the painters, painting the world PINK.

Love you all, Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Submitted by Naida