Luke 10:2 “He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ “
This is the scripture I have been pondering as of late so will share my thoughts with you. As I have stated before, I am not a theologian so maybe I am thinking incorrectly about this scripture and if I am, hopefully, some of our readers can set me straight.
I grew up on a farm (we jokingly at home called it a non-profit organization!) and as with all of us, we see everything in this world (including the scriptures) through the eyes of our psychological “world” - that world that is unique to each of us based on everything we have put into our minds over the course of our lives.
So let me share one of those million experiences of my life which has become a “small bit” in my psychological world.
About twenty or so years ago, when my dad was still farming even though mom and dad had left the farm to live in the small village four miles away, I decided to take him a lunch in the late afternoon. I knew that during the harvesting of wheat and on a nice sunny day, he would never stop the combine machine for supper. In the meantime, my cousin was visiting with her two small boys - probably aged 3 and 5. I asked them to go with me to the farm to give my dad a little treat to tide him over until late evening when he would come for supper. And they were delighted to go with me.
So we got there, and drove through (carefully with the car) a large field until we had come quite close to the dad's huge combine. Imagine my surprise when we stopped the car and the boys stepped out in the field, that the older one - Andrew - turned to me and asked, “Where’s the farm?” I was as puzzled as he. All I replied was, “You’re in the middle of it - this is it!” And gave it little more thought until an hour or so later.
Then it came to me. All little Andrew knew about a farm was from the little Fisher-Price farm which he carried around by the handle (like a suitcase)!! When he was actually in the middle of a very large, real, farm, he didn’t recognize it. That scene has stuck with me over these many years - it was so cute - however, lately I have been thinking about it in terms of this scripture.
Similar scripture in Matthew 9:38 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
A few weeks ago I was at an event where a dear Christian lady prayed some of this scripture in the group - as she continued to pray, in my spirit, I overwhelmingly sensed that this sincere person did not have an understanding of the FIELD or who the LABOURERS are. This is where there is a connection between my own psychological “world” - all of my past experiences in this world - and my connection to the scriptures and my experiences with God comes into play.
Even in the middle of the prayer, I suddenly had a clearer view - both of the FIELD and of the LABOURERS. I also sensed that if we could recognize this, much more could be accomplished for the Kingdom. I almost had the sense -- we have prayed already, now we have to DO.
I firmly believe that the FIELD is where we are - where we are in our job, our location, the people we come in contact with - the field is where God has placed us - not a “fuzzy, mystical place away, over there some place”. I know this scripture has often been used in the past in missions services where the speaker/preacher has referred to the field as the mission field, the place far away, maybe even on another continent, where missionaries will go. But I see the field as around us - we just don’t recognize it. Everyone’s field is different because we all “live” in a different “place” - rubbing shoulders with different people.
The only way I see the field as “going out to the field” or “into the field” as the scripture uses the words as meaning outside the church, out, out out. I do believe that most Christians today are often in, in, in, inside the walls of the church - associating only with Christian friends -- a good place to be - but unfortunately, do not go out to the field at all. Meaning, do not show the love of Jesus, everywhere they walk or live. I have to ask myself -- do people I come in contact with every day know that I love Jesus? A big challenge, but it shouldn’t be, right?
And then the LABOURERS - often in a sermon, we think of labourers, as those people who will join the ranks (“be called” as it were) of missionaries who will do the work of the Lord in some far away place. But I see the LABOURERS as all of US - just simply serving, working, whatever He calls us to do. Not “them” - a mystical, specially trained group - but US. We need to recognize ourselves - the labourer Jesus is speaking of is the person we see when we look into the mirror – I ask myself often, will I be recognized as a worker, a labourer? Or will I be just a supervisor of others working?
In our lives, we see lots of people just watching others work. And in the church, we see this too. In work, I’m not referring to moving chairs, or washing dishes. I’m thinking of the work of building the Kingdom of God. Then my next question (in my mind) is why do people just watch and not work? I think there are a few reasons – none of which are that people are lazy or do not want to work. I think that people might just not see what there is to do - might not recognize the work. They (and me sometimes) might not think they are qualified. They might think that the work is already being done - by someone else. Sometimes others interfere with people wanting to work. I’m too young, I’m too old to “work”. Not enough time to “work”. On and on. You probably can see where my thinking is going.
I tend to see everything pretty simply - quite a simple thinker, I am. I see the work as just sharing the love of God with whomever we come into contact with - not with words, but with deeds. Showing the love of Jesus. Also the “work” God has given ME to do cannot possibly be done by someone else because it is me who connects with the people He puts in MY path. I cannot shove my work off to someone else. Also to see that no excuse can be used to let me out of my “work” responsibility.
Others interfering with my work - might be someone making me feel I cannot do it well enough. But that is a trick of the enemy - and unfortunately, it happens too often and it also works - shuts us down in our “work.”
Age won’t stop us from working either - from the smallest child to the oldest Christian alive - every person can show compassion and love for others. Might be as simple as sharing clothes or food which are being thrown away with someone who really needs them. How easy is that? No special training needed, just a love for Jesus. I see the “work” as simple as exhibiting Christ-like character and conduct when we do our daily business - being honest, living righteously. Showing His love might be as simple as being kind to a check-out person who is becoming tired after a long day, or giving a smile or acknowledgement to an new immigrant to our city.
As you can imagine - these thoughts have been going over and over in my mind during the past few weeks. There are usually long time lapses between the times I share in the blog - the reason being, it takes quite a length of time for the Lord to work a lesson through my heart - I tend to ponder on the same scriptures for days at a time before going on to a new one - no sense in sharing something until I “get” it myself. This slow process doesn’t work very well in trying to read through the Bible in a Year - but when the Lord points out a scripture to me, it gets deep into my spirit - I stay there until I get it sorted through. And, sometimes years later, I still think of some of the scriptures I have meditated on.
So, these thoughts are MY thoughts - I am just allowing you to read how I am thinking - I am hoping, that if any of our readers have some thoughts to share that they will not hesitate. Let’s do the “work” of the Kingdom together. I am still in the learning process - a kindergarten learner.
We are all labourers together with God.
A final scripture reference - Matthew 9:37 “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
Submitted by Naida
This is the scripture I have been pondering as of late so will share my thoughts with you. As I have stated before, I am not a theologian so maybe I am thinking incorrectly about this scripture and if I am, hopefully, some of our readers can set me straight.
I grew up on a farm (we jokingly at home called it a non-profit organization!) and as with all of us, we see everything in this world (including the scriptures) through the eyes of our psychological “world” - that world that is unique to each of us based on everything we have put into our minds over the course of our lives.
So let me share one of those million experiences of my life which has become a “small bit” in my psychological world.
About twenty or so years ago, when my dad was still farming even though mom and dad had left the farm to live in the small village four miles away, I decided to take him a lunch in the late afternoon. I knew that during the harvesting of wheat and on a nice sunny day, he would never stop the combine machine for supper. In the meantime, my cousin was visiting with her two small boys - probably aged 3 and 5. I asked them to go with me to the farm to give my dad a little treat to tide him over until late evening when he would come for supper. And they were delighted to go with me.
So we got there, and drove through (carefully with the car) a large field until we had come quite close to the dad's huge combine. Imagine my surprise when we stopped the car and the boys stepped out in the field, that the older one - Andrew - turned to me and asked, “Where’s the farm?” I was as puzzled as he. All I replied was, “You’re in the middle of it - this is it!” And gave it little more thought until an hour or so later.
Then it came to me. All little Andrew knew about a farm was from the little Fisher-Price farm which he carried around by the handle (like a suitcase)!! When he was actually in the middle of a very large, real, farm, he didn’t recognize it. That scene has stuck with me over these many years - it was so cute - however, lately I have been thinking about it in terms of this scripture.
Similar scripture in Matthew 9:38 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
A few weeks ago I was at an event where a dear Christian lady prayed some of this scripture in the group - as she continued to pray, in my spirit, I overwhelmingly sensed that this sincere person did not have an understanding of the FIELD or who the LABOURERS are. This is where there is a connection between my own psychological “world” - all of my past experiences in this world - and my connection to the scriptures and my experiences with God comes into play.
Even in the middle of the prayer, I suddenly had a clearer view - both of the FIELD and of the LABOURERS. I also sensed that if we could recognize this, much more could be accomplished for the Kingdom. I almost had the sense -- we have prayed already, now we have to DO.
I firmly believe that the FIELD is where we are - where we are in our job, our location, the people we come in contact with - the field is where God has placed us - not a “fuzzy, mystical place away, over there some place”. I know this scripture has often been used in the past in missions services where the speaker/preacher has referred to the field as the mission field, the place far away, maybe even on another continent, where missionaries will go. But I see the field as around us - we just don’t recognize it. Everyone’s field is different because we all “live” in a different “place” - rubbing shoulders with different people.
The only way I see the field as “going out to the field” or “into the field” as the scripture uses the words as meaning outside the church, out, out out. I do believe that most Christians today are often in, in, in, inside the walls of the church - associating only with Christian friends -- a good place to be - but unfortunately, do not go out to the field at all. Meaning, do not show the love of Jesus, everywhere they walk or live. I have to ask myself -- do people I come in contact with every day know that I love Jesus? A big challenge, but it shouldn’t be, right?
And then the LABOURERS - often in a sermon, we think of labourers, as those people who will join the ranks (“be called” as it were) of missionaries who will do the work of the Lord in some far away place. But I see the LABOURERS as all of US - just simply serving, working, whatever He calls us to do. Not “them” - a mystical, specially trained group - but US. We need to recognize ourselves - the labourer Jesus is speaking of is the person we see when we look into the mirror – I ask myself often, will I be recognized as a worker, a labourer? Or will I be just a supervisor of others working?
In our lives, we see lots of people just watching others work. And in the church, we see this too. In work, I’m not referring to moving chairs, or washing dishes. I’m thinking of the work of building the Kingdom of God. Then my next question (in my mind) is why do people just watch and not work? I think there are a few reasons – none of which are that people are lazy or do not want to work. I think that people might just not see what there is to do - might not recognize the work. They (and me sometimes) might not think they are qualified. They might think that the work is already being done - by someone else. Sometimes others interfere with people wanting to work. I’m too young, I’m too old to “work”. Not enough time to “work”. On and on. You probably can see where my thinking is going.
I tend to see everything pretty simply - quite a simple thinker, I am. I see the work as just sharing the love of God with whomever we come into contact with - not with words, but with deeds. Showing the love of Jesus. Also the “work” God has given ME to do cannot possibly be done by someone else because it is me who connects with the people He puts in MY path. I cannot shove my work off to someone else. Also to see that no excuse can be used to let me out of my “work” responsibility.
Others interfering with my work - might be someone making me feel I cannot do it well enough. But that is a trick of the enemy - and unfortunately, it happens too often and it also works - shuts us down in our “work.”
Age won’t stop us from working either - from the smallest child to the oldest Christian alive - every person can show compassion and love for others. Might be as simple as sharing clothes or food which are being thrown away with someone who really needs them. How easy is that? No special training needed, just a love for Jesus. I see the “work” as simple as exhibiting Christ-like character and conduct when we do our daily business - being honest, living righteously. Showing His love might be as simple as being kind to a check-out person who is becoming tired after a long day, or giving a smile or acknowledgement to an new immigrant to our city.
As you can imagine - these thoughts have been going over and over in my mind during the past few weeks. There are usually long time lapses between the times I share in the blog - the reason being, it takes quite a length of time for the Lord to work a lesson through my heart - I tend to ponder on the same scriptures for days at a time before going on to a new one - no sense in sharing something until I “get” it myself. This slow process doesn’t work very well in trying to read through the Bible in a Year - but when the Lord points out a scripture to me, it gets deep into my spirit - I stay there until I get it sorted through. And, sometimes years later, I still think of some of the scriptures I have meditated on.
So, these thoughts are MY thoughts - I am just allowing you to read how I am thinking - I am hoping, that if any of our readers have some thoughts to share that they will not hesitate. Let’s do the “work” of the Kingdom together. I am still in the learning process - a kindergarten learner.
We are all labourers together with God.
A final scripture reference - Matthew 9:37 “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
Submitted by Naida
Hi Naida,good to hear from you again.Your thoughts echo my own.
I don't think that you have to wait for a "calling" to be a worker for God.Some times we forget that if we show kindness to someone just because we see their need then we are already doing God's work.
I don't think that we have to be in
anybody's face trying to forcefeed them the scriptures,or making alot of noise to get their attention.
People will know what you believe
by the way you live your life.
We all know that life has it's up's and down's and it is how you handle the down's that people will be looking at. If you are trusting
God in the bad times as well as in the good times poeple will want to
know what you have that they don't.
Peace comes from God and we have
a peace that the world don't.
The people that we see everyday
are watching us, and we can do more
with kind words and a helping hand
than trying to preach at them.
You know that old saying,action
speaks louder than words.
We are all workers,just by living
our lives,but are our actoins working for God of against Him.
Are we showing God's love 7 days
a week or are we showing the people
that see us most a Sunday Christian?
Are we the same with our nonchristian friends as we are with
our christian friends?If not then
we are working against God.
You see ,we are all workers even if we think we don't know enough,
or that we are not good enough,or that God could ever use us.
God called us all,not to the
mission feild,but to be a witness
for Him.Our feild may be small,
just family and friends or maybe you see large groups at work,
what ever your feild remember your
actions are the work you are doing for God.
God puts us were He wants us,and
that is our feild. Big or small,
just do your best and He will do the rest.
I don't often have an opportunity to comment on your blog Naida, so I welcome each one that you do. They are always food for a hungry soul and this one is no exception. Your analogy of the fields reminds me of a song (what else?)It says "My house is full but My fields are empty. Who will go and work in My fields?" And another line says "it seems like My children want to sit around My table but no one wants to work in My fields." And how sad but how true these words are....the fields truly are white unto harvest and there are plenty of potential labourers but only a handful who are willing to work it seems...RC
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