
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yes, let the church be the church and the people will indeed rejoice.....but it is up to each individual to do something about it and the first thing we can do is " go to church". Every time you or I stay home from a service...that's a vote, a vote to shut down that particular service. Where we attend church there is still a Sunday evening service, thank God but the numbers are sadly small sometimes. The alarming thing about it is that many others have already and long since shut their Sunday evening services down. Every time we stay home from bible study is a vote to close that study down. Every time we stay away from prayer meeting...the list goes on.
We consider them as options. Look at most Sunday school services and youth services, where are the young people? I am not a young person anymore... perhaps some young people will reply to this blog through the comment section. So let the church be the church....I don't mean playing church either. There is still time to reverse the trend. LET'S BE THE CHURCH!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need to get our priorities straight......first " GOD " others then me....not,,when we can do this then I think when the church is open....we will all be there....lets put " GOD " back where " HE " belongs # 1

7:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thoughtful blog.

I have been trying to think through my response to Sunday's blog and now you have included in today's writing a hint to what I have been thinking.

So I will put my response to both of them in this spot.

have been thinking in this way -- that we often forget that the church is simply a group of "individuals" who have decided to worship together. Emphasis on "individuals".

Several years ago, a lady in our church made a statement which I have never been able to get away from. She was responding to people in the church saying such things as, "if only there was revival in the church, or wishing or praying that the church would have a revival." Her comment was "revival is an individual thing" -- only as the individuals in the church becomes revived, will the church experience revival. Seems simple and I expect most people missed her point but it has so stuck to me.
So when we refer to the church doing this or that, we are really referring to individuals doing what we are talking about.

Don't know if that makes sense to anyone else but it so does to me.

I think you, Randall, will understand what I am saying - when we are talking about low attendance or lack of involvement or a number of other things, we must not(as you point out) think of the GROUP doing this or that as a whole but as individuals.

I, for one, want to contribute to the whole by doing what I need or should be doing as an individual. After all, we are just a "bunch of individuals" - whatever I (or WE) do will be visible to others as the CHURCH.

Blessings, Randall, as you keep us focused on these hard-hitting thoughts.

8:25 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Randall
Like anonymous I will make one
comment for the last two post.
The church needs the people to come
together and let God have His way
in our services,stop looking at our
watches and give the Holy Spirit time to move.
We don't see the power of God because we don't want to wait for it.Today it is all about how things look,if it looks good we don't have to wait for the real thing.For some it looks good to be at church on Sunday,but the rest of the week they don't think about it at all.
We need to start looking at every
service as God's time to work on us and for us.If we stay away then we are saying that we don't need that time,and when we start thinking like that it becomes so much easyer to miss the next service.
We are the church not just on Sunday but all week long,let's remember that God is there all the time not just on Sunday.

11:34 p.m.  

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