Remember the blog that was inspired from Luke ch. 15? THE ONE ABOUT THE LOST SHEEP, THAT ONE OUT OF A HUNDRED? In that same chapter 15, in fact in the opening verses, the Pharisees(scumbags) accused Jesus of being a friend of sinners. Wow! What a slap in the face. Imagine calling the Lord Jesus Christ your Friend.But that is just what the Bible calls him In fact it is the greatest news mankind has ever heard and the Pharisees announced it although they thought they were insulting Him. Imagine....the Pharisees were proclaiming the Gospel. And isn't it ironic....they hated the least most of them did.
It seems that Jesus had a reputation; He was a friend of sinners. That would make Him my Friend then. In the book of Proverbs it says in chapter 17 verse 17, "A friend loves at all tiimes."
Friendship is based on love and it is unselfish and only wants what is best for the other.
I came across this story and I am sharing it with you. It is the story of a soldier in the trenches during the First World War. He saw his wounded friend lying out in no man's land(the ground between their trenches and the enemy trenches)and he asked permission from his officer to go and rescue his friend but was denied. He was told " no man can survive out there, and I would just be losing two good men instead of one." The man disobeyed the order and went anyway and returned with his friend but was mortally wounded in the process. The officer was angry and said, "that is why I told you not to go. Now I am losing both of you, it was not worth it." But the soldier replied, "Sir it was worth it because when I got to him he said to me ...Jim, I knew you would come"
The best friend you or I will ever know left His home and came for us and He gave His life also.
And He comes today in your circumstance and He who has given His life will carry you back this time to safety. Like the soldier who was rescued by his friend even though it was too late, I too on many occasions have called on Him and He always comes but never too late.Jesus is not only called my Friend, but he calls us His friends as well.
The old hymn writer puts it like this, "A friend of Jesus, oh what bliss that one so weak as I, should ever have a friend like this to lead me to the skies....FRIENDSHIP WITH jESUS, FELLOWSHIP DIVINE, oh what blessed sweet communion, Jesus is a Friend of mine."
It seems that Jesus had a reputation; He was a friend of sinners. That would make Him my Friend then. In the book of Proverbs it says in chapter 17 verse 17, "A friend loves at all tiimes."
Friendship is based on love and it is unselfish and only wants what is best for the other.
I came across this story and I am sharing it with you. It is the story of a soldier in the trenches during the First World War. He saw his wounded friend lying out in no man's land(the ground between their trenches and the enemy trenches)and he asked permission from his officer to go and rescue his friend but was denied. He was told " no man can survive out there, and I would just be losing two good men instead of one." The man disobeyed the order and went anyway and returned with his friend but was mortally wounded in the process. The officer was angry and said, "that is why I told you not to go. Now I am losing both of you, it was not worth it." But the soldier replied, "Sir it was worth it because when I got to him he said to me ...Jim, I knew you would come"
The best friend you or I will ever know left His home and came for us and He gave His life also.
And He comes today in your circumstance and He who has given His life will carry you back this time to safety. Like the soldier who was rescued by his friend even though it was too late, I too on many occasions have called on Him and He always comes but never too late.Jesus is not only called my Friend, but he calls us His friends as well.
The old hymn writer puts it like this, "A friend of Jesus, oh what bliss that one so weak as I, should ever have a friend like this to lead me to the skies....FRIENDSHIP WITH jESUS, FELLOWSHIP DIVINE, oh what blessed sweet communion, Jesus is a Friend of mine."
What will we call this story,the parable of the trenches or maybe no man's land or a true friend? When we except Jesus into our hearts,we find our safe trench,we could and should,spend the rest of our lives here,but we won't,because,you know what they say,rules are made to be broken,so its out of the trench and into no man's land,we all know this place,yea your right,its the world,not such a bad place,but when you look around you will find that all of your friends here are mortally wounded,and though you may get the odd one back to the trench to safty,if you keep returning,sooner or later the enemy will get you too.I know you think this can't happen to me,you think look how many people got saved because of me,I knowI can help,but this time its different,you go futher than ever before and this time,the enemy is waiting for you[bang bang]your dead,no it won't happen to me,its just a flesh wound,what could happen with such a small,little cut,but unless you get the proper care from the doctor[the great physician]for help,even this little wound will kill you,though it is small,if left untreated,poison sets in,and spreads and on our own,there is just nothing we can do,but the doctor will know,what is wrong,and he can and will help,but before this can happen,someone either you or a friend must make the call,I know,that only I can tell the doctor,whats wrong but sometimes the poison acts in such a way that we don't even know that there is even anything wrong,and a friend must make the call ,this is good but remember "friend" your not the doctor so don't try,because without the porper precautions,the poison,could infect the friend and without help,both could die,so call the doctor.Mabey we should call it the parable of the doctor,know what call it what ever you want,because,JESUS,is the trench,the friend the doctor,your wondering what about no man's land,he's been there too,remember even Jesus was tempted by the enemy,so he knows what it is like to be under fire,and unless your protected,you lose,your dead,so remember,stay in the trench,and a good friend is hard to find,and we sure don't want to lose him,because he comes out of the trench to try and save you or tries to be the doctor,and gets infected and dies too,so let JESUS do his job,being,everything to everybody.
The blog today makes me think about the song what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and cares to bare.Can you think of any other friend that would come to you and say today I will take all your cares for you;I can't. Friendship can mean alot of things to people, it's saying I'm sorry when you don't think you did anything wrong, it's praying for someone that you don't know just because God said he is my friend pray for him.Being a friend is praying for someone that you know is hurting even if you don't know what is wrong. Jesus is this kind of friend,let us all try to be like Him.
I must confess, I know that I havent been the greatest friend to someone and I have hurt them badly. I am terribly sorry for that, but i still have to live with what happened. Imagine that if all the times that we hurt Jesus, that he decides not to be our friend anymore? What a terrible thing that would be. Sometimes friends do hurt each other and do things that we regret, but thankfully by the grace of God there is also forgiveness and unity. I pray for that today, but Jesus will always be my number one friend!!
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