The name of the Lord is a strong tower....the righteous run into it and are safe..Proverbs 18:10. In John's gospel ch.10 vs.9 "I am the door" and Jesus is referring to a sheepfold when He makes that statement. The sheepfold was a natural enclosure, if the shepherd could find one, or else he would take some stones or other natural material such as wood and build a sort of corral.
Then at night he would round them all up and lead them in to the fold.
When the fold was being built, the shepherd always left a "narrow" opening or gate for the sheep to enter and exit through. "Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads unto life, and there are few that find it."Matt. 7:13b. Then the shepherd became the door. He would literally become the door because after the sheep were all herded into the sheepfolds at night, he would lie down across the doorway and close off the exit. Jesus is not only the way to the fold but He is the door also.
This is in total agreement with our theme and we are safe there in the sheepfold or the strong tower because we are trusting in that name and one of the names is the Door.
This is in total agreement with our theme and we are safe there in the sheepfold or the strong tower because we are trusting in that name and one of the names is the Door.
The world is a big beautiful place,that we all want our part of,and to get our part we will do anything we have to,to get and keep it.The road to the world is a busy super hiway that leads to distruction,these roads are so easy to get on,and stay on,but hard to get off of,if we don't keep our eyes and minds on the road continually we will miss our exit[gate]and end up miles away from our destination and unable to get turned around to get back on the right road,but once we do realize our mistakes,and admit that we have made a mistake and start to focus on our destination,will we be able to find the exit[gate]back to the right road,sometimes we have gone so far away from our destination,that our way back has so many hills,holes,and bumps and to take forever,but if we follow and obey the road signs that the bible provides,we will get back on the right road,I know it seemes to take a long time,but one thing we must remember,is that Iam the driver,so if Iam on the wrong road it was me that got here,see that wasn't so hard to admit was it,so now ask the lord to put you back on the right road to our destination which is everlasting life with our lord Jesus Christ.Lord please help me to find the right exit.[GATE]
I never thought of Jesus as a door,but your right. We have to go through Jesus to getto the father as it says in John 14;6 there is NO other way. Jesus is so many things to us that we forget just how many names we can call out and have Him answer us. The door is always open to us,all we need to do is go in, He never leaves, it is us that gets off track. Thank God for the doorway that leads us to eternal life.
I believe that I have recently walked through a new door with Jesus. Something happened to me on Sunday night that I have been searching for, for the last couple of months. I havent really thought of Jesus as being a 'door' but looking back now, I have walked through many, but have pushed Jesus aside. I havent seen Him standing at the door. I am on a new journey and I can only make it with Him as the one who leads me because going my way just doesnt work. Thanks Randall for these interesting points. It really makes you think twice about what youre saying. Very uplifting and encouraging. I love ya!
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