
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Friday, October 06, 2006

“To me to live is Christ”

The words of the Apostle Paul ring in my heart as I consider this aspect of grace. The other night we were visiting with one of our corporate sponsors and several of our friends and there in that meeting we were privileged to be in the company of a man from India who is in charge of several churches in that country. As he spoke of the persecutions and beatings ….even killing of Christians by Hindu fanatics I was moved to ponder where grace comes in . What would we do in those kind of circumstances? Would we be willing to face what these pastors and congregations face. People breaking in to their homes and dragging people off somewhere and beating them and leaving them for dead?
Yet the apostle did the same before his conversion to Christ, did he not? And after his conversion, he was himself beaten and left for dead more than once, I believe. This is a picture of grace extended to others in the life of Paul and in modern day India. And although we probably wouldn’t agree with the Amish way of life, I was impressed by their offer of forgiveness the other day in the light and aftermath of such an horrendous
Killing of their children and had to ask myself….would I feel such forgiveness so soon? It would require a healthy dose of God’s fathomless grace I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grace is greater than all our sins.......Of course it would be hard to forgive someone who hurt our children. Its only because of the love of Jesus Christ that we would be able to forgive. It is truly amazing!

10:21 a.m.  

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