Grace produces boldness
One more scripture found in Hebrews ch . 4 vs. 16, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need.” Aren’t you glad that is there in Hebrews ch. 4? It is talking about our High Priest. Who has suffered for us being passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God. He can sympathize with our weaknesses, having been tempted the Bible says in all points as we are ….yet without sin.
He alone is qualified…He has been there….yet without sin. That’s why He can authorize and extend His favor …His grace to you and I BECAUSE He was, is and evermore shall be without sin. And He was, is and evermore shall be ….God. There is a song that says “God in the flesh came to earth to save us…” Hallelujah!
That is grace.
As I was preparing these thoughts early one morning I turned to the devotional book that I have been reading in and the title for the day was “Voice of Grace” and it was speaking about the thief on the cross next to Jesus and how Jesus had extended His grace to him:” Tell me, what has the thief on the cross done to warrant help? He has wasted his life. Who is he to beg forgiveness? He publicly scoffed at Jesus. What right does he have to pray…Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom? Do you really want to know? The same right you have to pray….”
We like the thief….are we no better than he was?...are we indeed desperate, hopeless and naked? What did we do that would cause God to leave the portals of heaven and take upon Himself humanity and die as a common criminal upon a cross? He did it for me…and you . UNIMAGINABLE! God could not die…so He had to become man so that He could.. So what do we say then …that man died on the cross? But He was God . .Who became man.. to die. He left His Diety so that He could die…..I cannot understand it but I believe it with all my heart.. my mind …with all of my soul…I believe it.
That is grace. The grace of God.
Question for today....can you think of an exampl e where grace produces boldness?
One more scripture found in Hebrews ch . 4 vs. 16, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need.” Aren’t you glad that is there in Hebrews ch. 4? It is talking about our High Priest. Who has suffered for us being passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God. He can sympathize with our weaknesses, having been tempted the Bible says in all points as we are ….yet without sin.
He alone is qualified…He has been there….yet without sin. That’s why He can authorize and extend His favor …His grace to you and I BECAUSE He was, is and evermore shall be without sin. And He was, is and evermore shall be ….God. There is a song that says “God in the flesh came to earth to save us…” Hallelujah!
That is grace.
As I was preparing these thoughts early one morning I turned to the devotional book that I have been reading in and the title for the day was “Voice of Grace” and it was speaking about the thief on the cross next to Jesus and how Jesus had extended His grace to him:” Tell me, what has the thief on the cross done to warrant help? He has wasted his life. Who is he to beg forgiveness? He publicly scoffed at Jesus. What right does he have to pray…Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom? Do you really want to know? The same right you have to pray….”
We like the thief….are we no better than he was?...are we indeed desperate, hopeless and naked? What did we do that would cause God to leave the portals of heaven and take upon Himself humanity and die as a common criminal upon a cross? He did it for me…and you . UNIMAGINABLE! God could not die…so He had to become man so that He could.. So what do we say then …that man died on the cross? But He was God . .Who became man.. to die. He left His Diety so that He could die…..I cannot understand it but I believe it with all my heart.. my mind …with all of my soul…I believe it.
That is grace. The grace of God.
Question for today....can you think of an exampl e where grace produces boldness?
Grace produces humility because as sinner we have been offered perdon. In order for grace to produce boldness we have to believe that it was meant to bring us as heir into His Kingdom. WE DON'T HAVE TO FEEL ASHAMED ANYMORE!
I could not imagine laying down my life for another person besides my children. Strangers? Absolutely not! No one would, but Jesus did! Its hard to imagine, but He would have laid His life down for just me! Marvelous Grace!!
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