Memory: Does God have a memory loss?
The other night in Bible Study I asked a question of those attending. I was asking if anyone knew where it speaks in the Bible about a sea of God’s forgetfulness. Nancy, who has been serving the Lord for many years (I dare not say how many) spoke up and said it was in the book of Micah. So I looked it up. It said You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.
That’s Micah 7:19b. King Hezekiah said “ You have cast all my sins behind Your back “That was part of the answer I was looking for but not all. So then I found Jer. 31:34 where it says “For I will forgive their iniquity , and their sin I will remember no more.” If God can forget it then why don’t we?
God chooses to have a memory loss and when He forgives your sins then He forgets them too. So why do we dig them up again? and over and over again we do that. Do you agree? David said in Psalm 32 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven Whose sin is covered. (that’s verse 1) Verse 2 says “Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.” And the reason that he could say what he said is found in verse 5.
It says “I acknowledged my sin unto You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “ I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD.” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.” Oh Hallelujah! He has forgiven me!! So then God has a little memory loss too. He has chosen to forget our sins when we confess them to Him, it is part of forgiveness.
When someone does us wrong are we willing to forget it? No doubt you have heard folks say something like, “oh, I’ll forgive so and so, but I won’t ever forget what he/she did to me. Is that real forgiveness? Of course not! The only kind of forgiveness that is real is this kind that says “I forgive and I forget.”
I have had to forget and that is not an easy thing to do. It is an act of faith; we choose whether or not we are going to forget just like we choose to forgive. So you say I have tried to forget that hurt but I still remember it. My answer to that is, firstly if you have forgiven, genuinely forgiven the one who has hurt you, then ask God in faith believing to help you and thirdly act on your faith. Act as if you have forgotten it. Don’t lie about it but don’t accept it either and when the devil brings it to mind tell him to get lost because you have forgotten it. Act on your faith and leave the results to God…the real Blog Master
The other night in Bible Study I asked a question of those attending. I was asking if anyone knew where it speaks in the Bible about a sea of God’s forgetfulness. Nancy, who has been serving the Lord for many years (I dare not say how many) spoke up and said it was in the book of Micah. So I looked it up. It said You will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.
That’s Micah 7:19b. King Hezekiah said “ You have cast all my sins behind Your back “That was part of the answer I was looking for but not all. So then I found Jer. 31:34 where it says “For I will forgive their iniquity , and their sin I will remember no more.” If God can forget it then why don’t we?
God chooses to have a memory loss and when He forgives your sins then He forgets them too. So why do we dig them up again? and over and over again we do that. Do you agree? David said in Psalm 32 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven Whose sin is covered. (that’s verse 1) Verse 2 says “Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.” And the reason that he could say what he said is found in verse 5.
It says “I acknowledged my sin unto You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “ I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD.” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.” Oh Hallelujah! He has forgiven me!! So then God has a little memory loss too. He has chosen to forget our sins when we confess them to Him, it is part of forgiveness.
When someone does us wrong are we willing to forget it? No doubt you have heard folks say something like, “oh, I’ll forgive so and so, but I won’t ever forget what he/she did to me. Is that real forgiveness? Of course not! The only kind of forgiveness that is real is this kind that says “I forgive and I forget.”
I have had to forget and that is not an easy thing to do. It is an act of faith; we choose whether or not we are going to forget just like we choose to forgive. So you say I have tried to forget that hurt but I still remember it. My answer to that is, firstly if you have forgiven, genuinely forgiven the one who has hurt you, then ask God in faith believing to help you and thirdly act on your faith. Act as if you have forgotten it. Don’t lie about it but don’t accept it either and when the devil brings it to mind tell him to get lost because you have forgotten it. Act on your faith and leave the results to God…the real Blog Master
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could really forget when we forgive? Ask yourself this question; if I can’t forget, how do I forgive?
I have to wonder….the bible says when God forgives my sins HE forgets all about them is this possible .How would it be possible for God to “FORGET “I know he can do everything but if he forgets than he can’t do everything because he does not remember {this is sort of like saying……can God make a rock HE can’t lift……BECAUSE if he can…..
GOD can do what ever He wants because he is GOD .When the bible says he forgets than he forgets {his choice} is it easy for him to forget probably not but it is his choice so why question it.
It is all about choices ,choices that only I can make. Do I really want to make the choice { forgive & forget } like I said
My choice.
Forgive and forget
Once again you are talking to me.
Because of a situation that I have
been dealing with I am at a place were I think that I have forgiven,but I have not forgot yet.Most days I feel that I have but then something will bring back it all back and I get hurt all over again.
How do we put the hurt behind us and get back trust?
I know that it is my choice and I am trying but I know that I have to ask God's help.Sometimes just because we want to do something does not mean that we can without God.
Thank you for your answer. I see
now that I have to start to Act On My Faith and just start living as if I have already forgotten.Your word today has just confirmed what
I told myself last night. God always shows us what He wants us to
YES, it is sometimes hard to forgive and forget.
Over time we have to deal with this matter and trust God to help us.
Man will not always forget but I believe if we leave all with God--- He will work for our good and deal with our FORGIVING in ALL situations.
Good topic once again.
Well, its been a while since I have commented on this blog. I do read it though every time there is a new post. Todays blog is a very important one. There is so much I can comment on, but it would take too long. Its so easy for us to ask forgiveness from God, but to me it seems so much harder to ask a person for forgiveness. Shouldnt it be the other way around? I know there is one particular situation that I have been dealing with for the last few months and some days are good and some are bad. I have asked Jesus to forgive me and I am truly sorry for what I have done, but I dont know how to move on. I sometimes feel like God hasnt forgiven me and then I find myself asking Him to forgive me again. It shouldnt be that way. I think the question is that will I ever be able to forgive myself? I think as time goes on and I draw closer to Him, I will be able to forgive myself and move on. People say 'time' is a healer, but so is the name 'Jesus'. I just have to keep pressing forward in Him because He is the only way of my present and future.
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