Just another blog : As I was running through some past blogs I thought to myself, what am I doing this for? What is the purpose in all this anyway? After all I am just a layman, not any great teacher of note. Who do I think I am ? Have you ever felt like that?
Then, exactly at this point in the blog, an e-mail came in from a bishop friend of ours from India, a man who is overseer of several churches there in India and he tells me of the great respect he has for my wife and I and how we have been a valuable vessel of blessing to many in various places in the world and of how our rich experience will be a guideline for the coming generation. I am humbled so very much. Who are we that this man of God would send this e-mail at this exact moment?
All I have ever wanted to be is an encouragement to others. I don’t have any special talent, I am not a great orator, just a vessel for the Master’s use. Is God speaking to me this morning or what? He is saying to me that there are folks who need encouragement, who perhaps need a lift, a word of encouragement, a word in season … Isaiah 50:4 says, “The LORD GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: He wakeneth morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.”
That is a promise I have claimed and it is my desire. It is my desire to encourage with this blog. I am reluctant to consider myself as an example, but when you think about it, everyone of us are an example whether good or not so good. Others are watching us…let’s do everything we can do to be an example of the believer. God bless you today….RC
Then, exactly at this point in the blog, an e-mail came in from a bishop friend of ours from India, a man who is overseer of several churches there in India and he tells me of the great respect he has for my wife and I and how we have been a valuable vessel of blessing to many in various places in the world and of how our rich experience will be a guideline for the coming generation. I am humbled so very much. Who are we that this man of God would send this e-mail at this exact moment?
All I have ever wanted to be is an encouragement to others. I don’t have any special talent, I am not a great orator, just a vessel for the Master’s use. Is God speaking to me this morning or what? He is saying to me that there are folks who need encouragement, who perhaps need a lift, a word of encouragement, a word in season … Isaiah 50:4 says, “The LORD GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: He wakeneth morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.”
That is a promise I have claimed and it is my desire. It is my desire to encourage with this blog. I am reluctant to consider myself as an example, but when you think about it, everyone of us are an example whether good or not so good. Others are watching us…let’s do everything we can do to be an example of the believer. God bless you today….RC
Just so you will know, there is no such thing as "just another" encouragement. As you pointed out, and in writing, realized, every blog writing is an encouragement to someone. Not that you always or even often know, but all your work is noticed, not just in heaven by your heavenly Father, but by those of us here who have the privilege to follow your thoughts - ponderings on His Word. Thanks again for a thoughtful piece of writing.
I looked up the word [just] in the dictionary and like many other words it has more than one meaning. I will start with the meaning that it refers to in this bog.
Only…..only another bog
Only….only a layman
Only….only a vessel
To those of us that read the bog and I know I speak for us all; there is nothing only about any of the bogs and we urge you to continue writing them { they are special to us all }.
Only a layman? Doesn’t “GOD “ pick laymen for whatever he finds important to him.
Only a vessel ; then you add …..for the master’s use. Do you mean merely a vessel if it for the master’s use it better mean more than this to us all.
Just also means …fair…righteous….deserved…lawful , these meanings fit much better in the blog unless you mean one of a kind ‘’just ‘’ also means this and this is what we think of the BLOG.
The point of the blog as I see it is:God has used you and Naida to help me personally through a very hard time. Because one of you would
write just what I needed to hear at just the time I needed to hear it.
I don't think that the blog is just for me by no means, I think that anybody that reads it, is reading it that day because God has something to say to them.
God is useing you to get His word to His people in an other way, you are reaching them in their homes.
God has plans for you and the blog
so keep up the good work and
God will show you what He wants us to hear.
thanks from all of us who read
and enjoy the blog.
As I was reading todays blog (Oct 25th) I was having a down day thinking that Jesus really hasnt forgiven me for a particular thing I have done. Just because I havent really forgiven myself doesnt mean that Jesus hasnt forgiven me. In my heart I know He has, but sometimes I think that some things I have done are so bad that I dont deserve His forgiveness because people wont let me forget. My point is this.....I had no idea that in todays blog you were talking about forgiveness. Its exactly what I needed to hear for today. Its been on my mind for months. I know that Jesus has put you and Naida right where He wants you to be and that is to minister to all of us that need it. I am so thankful for what you have taught me and really made me think about. You are both a blessing to me and again, I thank you and love you both!
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