
A layman's view on Christian values in studying the Holy Bible, God's Word

Location: Canada

Monday, October 16, 2006

Usually, I don’t take pictures of trees at other seasons of the year. But at this time of year, I find myself often reaching for my camera, sometimes stopping the car because I simply cannot continue without taking a picture. Here is one I took recently, stopping beside the road in Cape Breton, even though the leaves had
not fully changed colour.

Then early this morning, I was reminded of the scripture in Isaiah “They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour,”(NIV) or “for His glory” (TLB), Is. 61:3. Imagine our lives being “for His glory”. I cannot help but think about the days when I do not display “His glory” with my life. His continuing love on those days are once again evidence of His grace to us.

And then, as with all of us, one thought leads to another. My mind flits through the Bible, from person to person, some of whom on certain days did not display His glory and, yet, God extended His grace.

Abraham, a man of great faith, who was called “a friend of God” in 2 Chr. 20:7, yet we know he disobeyed God and made some big mistakes in his life.

Samson, too, had times of being led by God’s Spirit, yet became defeated by his own moral weakness (Judges 16). Still, God was with him, and helped him even in the time of His death.

A great deal of the Bible is devoted to the life and writings of David, chosen by God to be King over Israel. We know him as even being a “type of Christ”, yet there were days when his life must have grieved God. However, God extended His grace to him and forgave him, referring to him as “a man after His own heart.”

The list goes on; think of Peter and Thomas - there must have been days when their actions disappointed Jesus. Yet, because of His grace, they are looked on as “oaks of righteousness ... for His glory”.

We, too, on the days when our actions or attitudes do not display His glory, are still enveloped by His unfailing love, His grace.

Submitted by Naida


Blogger Randall said...

I knew this blog would be a good one today and with some great photography to boot.You have reminded us that David is used in the Bible as a type of Christ, and it created a question in my mind; am I a type of Christ? "Of course not" is the reply and yet we have His abiding presence if we are born again. The hymn writer says,
"I would be like Jesus" That is my desire.

10:23 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randall Bob and I agree that our Pastor is right on the mark with the series of sermons he is teaching us for the past 4-5 Sundays. It is a real wake-up call for all of us. We get so slack by times. Praying God will Bless you Wednesday night Bible Study. Wish we could be with you all.

3:13 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been times every day when i havent been like the Lord. I know in my heart and mind that I want to be. We are just human and God knows that. That is why He died for us. Thank you Lord for shedding your precious blood for every single one of us!!

8:30 a.m.  

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