The more I study, the more questions I have. The same thing happened when I was in university - the longer I stayed, the more I became painfully aware of how little I knew and how many questions I had.
So, the same thing happens the more I attempt to study the Bible. A group of us have been studying about the Tabernacle over the past few months with our able teacher, Randall. And that, of course, has encouraged us to investigate these scriptures all the more. But as I continue to read, I end up with more questions than answers. I have been taught the Word since a small child, yet, it seems that I am no further along in the understanding of this complex book than I have ever been. However, I have decided that it is a whole-life process, and such an enjoyable learning process it is.
This blog experience has caused us to constantly examine the Word to see what we can learn and what it is saying to us personally – a wonderfully useful exercise.
This leads me, today, to share what I mean about more questions than answers. Maybe, some of our Bible-scholar readers (or just interested students like me) can lend some light on my observations - questions.
Today, in my reading, I couldn’t help but link the content of two scriptures; even though I don’t know of any connection, it is still fun to notice the similarities. Check it out and feel free to shed any light you might have on the subject.
At the completion of the building of the Temple by Solomon, in 2 Chronicles 5: 12b “They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the Lord. ...Then the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud, 14and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.”
Then flip over to Acts 1 and 2 - in Chapter 1: 15 “... a group numbering about a hundred and twenty” ... Chapter 2: 1, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
Sounds similar to me! “120 - about one hundred and twenty; unison, one voice - one accord in one place; cloud - sound from heaven”
Any connection? Besides same God? Couldn’t help miss “unison - one accord”. All comments welcome.
In same passage in 2 Chronicles 5:10 “There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb.”
The Ark: What happened to the contents of the ark between Moses’ day and the time of the dedication of Solomon’s temple? I have started checking this out but have decided that would be quite a lengthy study in itself.
Suppose there is a connection between the tablets in the ark and the presence of God as described in verse 14?
What about holiness and the day of Pentecost? Connection?
What about holiness and presence of God in our day?
You see my meditations - I cannot help but think there is a huge connection between following the laws of God and seeing/hearing the presence of God in our day. God help us to follow closely Your commandments. Comments?
And then, what happened to the Ark? It has obviously been lost before our day but all we can hope for is that the contents (the tablets), the way to live, has not been lost in our lives and in our day.
Obviously I have been a little hesitant to share this blog - what about our readers who will think, “and we thought she knew something about the Bible”? Well, I do. I know enough to know that God’s Word to me is so much bigger than me; I realize how little I really know; I know that I have to press in harder to learn more about Him, through His Word.
Feel free to shine light on any of my questions/observations with your comments. Blessings on you all.
Submitted by Naida
So, the same thing happens the more I attempt to study the Bible. A group of us have been studying about the Tabernacle over the past few months with our able teacher, Randall. And that, of course, has encouraged us to investigate these scriptures all the more. But as I continue to read, I end up with more questions than answers. I have been taught the Word since a small child, yet, it seems that I am no further along in the understanding of this complex book than I have ever been. However, I have decided that it is a whole-life process, and such an enjoyable learning process it is.
This blog experience has caused us to constantly examine the Word to see what we can learn and what it is saying to us personally – a wonderfully useful exercise.
This leads me, today, to share what I mean about more questions than answers. Maybe, some of our Bible-scholar readers (or just interested students like me) can lend some light on my observations - questions.
Today, in my reading, I couldn’t help but link the content of two scriptures; even though I don’t know of any connection, it is still fun to notice the similarities. Check it out and feel free to shed any light you might have on the subject.
At the completion of the building of the Temple by Solomon, in 2 Chronicles 5: 12b “They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. 13The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the Lord. ...Then the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud, 14and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.”
Then flip over to Acts 1 and 2 - in Chapter 1: 15 “... a group numbering about a hundred and twenty” ... Chapter 2: 1, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
Sounds similar to me! “120 - about one hundred and twenty; unison, one voice - one accord in one place; cloud - sound from heaven”
Any connection? Besides same God? Couldn’t help miss “unison - one accord”. All comments welcome.
In same passage in 2 Chronicles 5:10 “There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb.”
The Ark: What happened to the contents of the ark between Moses’ day and the time of the dedication of Solomon’s temple? I have started checking this out but have decided that would be quite a lengthy study in itself.
Suppose there is a connection between the tablets in the ark and the presence of God as described in verse 14?
What about holiness and the day of Pentecost? Connection?
What about holiness and presence of God in our day?
You see my meditations - I cannot help but think there is a huge connection between following the laws of God and seeing/hearing the presence of God in our day. God help us to follow closely Your commandments. Comments?
And then, what happened to the Ark? It has obviously been lost before our day but all we can hope for is that the contents (the tablets), the way to live, has not been lost in our lives and in our day.
Obviously I have been a little hesitant to share this blog - what about our readers who will think, “and we thought she knew something about the Bible”? Well, I do. I know enough to know that God’s Word to me is so much bigger than me; I realize how little I really know; I know that I have to press in harder to learn more about Him, through His Word.
Feel free to shine light on any of my questions/observations with your comments. Blessings on you all.
Submitted by Naida
Good day Naida,
One accord;in one place,
This is something that we are looking for in our week of prayer.
As we gather in one place{our church}and pray together{in one accord}for our city we are expecting to see signs from heaven.
This city will know God's presence.
Naida, just as you see the connection between the temple of
2 chronicles to the upper room of
acts I see the connection to
our city today.The same God hears us .Start looking God will show Himself strong in Saint Jonh N.B.
This is my third attempt at a comment so I'll try to make it a good one. In your reference to the Tabernacle and then Solomln's temple and the comparison to the upper room experience, I believe you have hit upon some real truth here for just as the Tabernacle is a type of salvation and the work(the finished work) of Jesus for us on the cross, so the dedication of Solomon's temple appears as a type of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church as we know it at Pentecost. You have mentioned the laws and the commandments...God said to Moses "According to all that I show you, that is the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so shall you make it". As the Israelites entered the outer court of the Tabernacle the first thing they saw was the Altar of Burnt Sacrifice and they could proceed no further until they had been to this Altar. This Altar cannot be bypassed. It is the O.T. type of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross and we cannot go forward to Pentecost until we have first been to Calvary. It was where the blood was shed and where the substitute was made for sin and there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood.
Today the Ark of God is in temples of clay(a reference to our flesh), the Ark with it's mercy seat and it's contents along with the shed blood represents the presence of God and every provision we need to live the Christian life; we have the Word in the tablets of stone, Aaron's rod that budded and produced fruit, which should be evident in the Christian's life, as well as the golden pot of manna...the bread from heaven who is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. And as I said ...the Mercy Seat with the shed blood and the two cheribim perserving and protecting as well as all powerful. His mercy endureth forever. And that brings me to your observation regarding holy living. I am weak and utterly fail many times but I thank God for His mercy that a man can find at the Brazen Altar and on the Mercy Seat and all because the Blood of the everlasting covenant has been applied to the horns of the altars and upon the Mercy Seat and when God looks at me now he only sees the shed blood and accepts me and my confession and I can have access to the very throne of grace because JESUS HAS OPENED UP THE WAY. He said "I am the way, the truth and the man cometh to the Father but by Me."
Excellent blog Naida, and it truly stirs the heart and causes us to take stock and examine our own souls...thank you for this blog.
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